Bowtie valet

An untied pink latex bowtie draped over a scuffed yellow steel pushcart handle operates as a kind of portrait for a rust belt dandy.

steel, latex
18”w x 35”h x 3”d

Title IX

Rendered in theatrical marquee letters, and balanced precariously on and underneath scaffolding, Title IX appears both in the process of construction and deconstruction.  The Act, famously and infamously responsible for equitable access for women and girls to play sports, and for addressing sexual violence on college campuses, has also become a tool to harass feminist and queer educators, and to persecute trans women and girl athletes.

mahogany veneer, plywood, lightbulbs, clamps, electrical cords, dollies
108”h x 156”w x 72”d


This rough and repurposed plywood and stud form has been amended with a small sheet of hickory veneer.  Leaned against the wall, the object approaches human scale and form; the knots of the hickory indicate anthropomorphic nipples as much as they offer an index for two branches that would once have grown at those sites.

plywood, hickory veneer,pine 2x4s
24”w x 48”h x 5”d

Pearl necklace diagram

In this fine grain study of masculine-coded infrastructural supports, a butch mannequin bust with a string of pearls, an etched schematic for a scaffold, and an inlaid pommel horse are set into the frame of a vintage tv tray.

maple, birch and hickory veneer, TV tray frame, plywood
18”w x 24”h x 1/2”d

Scene Two

An iterative installation, Scene Two acts as an exploded diagram for an expansive archive of feminist and queer iconography.  The cacophony of forms stages an homage/ grudge match through such entries into the archive as a curtain-scale dental dam, a lavender labrys, turned wooden replicas of the head of a Hitachi Magic Wand, an Andrea Dworkin citation, a fragment from Sondheim’s Gypsy, and a crate with the silhouette of the Ladies of Llangollen, whose romance spanned the 18th and 19th centuries.  

Slippages between floor and wall, and found and fabricated forms interrupt binary structures and taxonomies.  High and low meet where the pattern of the floor at Versailles - now memed by woodworkers across centuries and geographies - backs a stud wall library ladder and serves as a “surface” for a pair of boxer briefs.  More library ladders flank construction scaffolding, which pierces the wall. 

systems scaffold, steel, iron, wood, latex, silicone
dimensions variable