Chosen Family, Chosen Name, Separatist, Safe Space, Expat, Invert, Homophile, Homestead

cordial glasses on marquetry surface of bartop, detail view
detail of disco-ball design in marquetry
marquetry surface of bartop, three-quarter view
marquetry bartop, full overhead view

This work’s title is an assemblage of diverse strategies and terms that LGBT and other marginalized people have used over generations to mark the labor of making and naming home. Scaffolding operates here as a material metaphor for social constructions broadly. Cordial glasses further call to mind shared spaces where people come together to socialize. Ribboned text from the laser-cut marquetry bar top pronounces “We Must Take Ecstasy,” citing the conclusion of queer theorist José Esteban Muñoz’s final book Cruising Utopia, in which the operative word is “Take” and the obligation of the communal “We” is to actively construct for ourselves a commitment to ecstatic experience as a tool to work towards a utopic future.

laser marquetry, poplar bar rail, plywood, lumber, scaffold, cordial glasses,
velvet dress, velvet stanchions
54”h x 42”w x 120”l